Hello, my name is Gael Piguillem and I love photography. I was born and raised in la Cerdanya, in the Pyrenees. Some of what I've had the pleasure to be involved with can be seen in here. 
Find me on twitter and instagram. If you have any question just say hello and let me know. You can also meet me and my founding partner at Atelier fotogràfic studio.
Hola, em dic Gael Piguillem, sóc de Cerdanya i m'encanta la fotografia. Aquí trobareu una mostra dels projectes que he tingut el plaer de dur a terme.
Em podeu trobar a twitter i a instagram. Si em voleu fer qualsevol pregunta o comentari, digueu hola i demaneu. També em podeu trobar, a mi i als meus socis, a l'Atelier fotogràfic.
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